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Dr Elly Hanson works with Praesidio Safeguarding as an associate and clinical advisor on a number of projects.

She is an independent Clinical Psychologist and recognised as a leading national expert in the area of child abuse and trauma, and young people online. She undertakes consultation, research, training, and psychological assessments, working primarily with law enforcement (including CEOP), child protection teams, the education sector, and charities.

Elly’s academic publications include those on online forces and dynamics conducive to sexual exploitation; adolescent development and risk; young people’s personal, social and health education (PSHE); the impact of online sexual abuse; and preventing re-victimisation. She was on the panel of the Children’s Commissioner for England’s Inquiry into sexual abuse within the family environment (CSAFE).

She is also an experienced therapist and previously worked with looked after children, and young people with sexually abusive behaviour in an NSPCC service.