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What do we offer?

Strategic advice

The purpose of our strategic support is to ensure that organisations do the following:

Prevent harm occurring to children and adults by helping to strengthen safeguarding systems both on and offline
Respond effectively to victims or survivors of abuse
Manage safeguarding issues safely when they do occur, whether on or offline
Ensure they are aligned to legislation and best practice in safeguarding and child protection

We offer assessment and review of safeguarding culture, policy and procedure. We create solutions to reduce, prevent and respond to risks and challenging incidents. We bring experience of working across multiple environments and sectors to help support better safeguarding practice.

Research and Insight

A key part of our work is to undertake research and development in new and emerging areas of safeguarding – in particular in international contexts and in relation to the risks posed by new online platforms. We offer research, participation and engagement with children and young people, their parents and carers as well as vulnerable adults. We offer an agile engagement structure, assessment and analysis of findings.

We set up and lead engagement sessions with key stakeholders and user groups: children and young people, parents and carers, vulnerable adults, as well as professionals, and policy makers.
We undertake rapid literature reviews and assessments of available research and evidence.
We set up, design and run surveys and analyse and assess the results
We can undertake research and insight both online and offline. This can include scoping the scale and extent of a safeguarding issue and offering solutions

We offer a range of sensitive and ethical approaches to research and discovery, to help organisations understand and manage the safeguarding issues or policy challenges they face. We use a mix of quantitive and qualitative research methods.


We work with organisations to support, review or conduct particularly complex safeguarding investigations that benefit from specialist experience, skills and an independent perspective.

Our team draws on years of experience on both criminal and civil investigation and we offer support for organisations managing investigations that have implications for safeguarding. This is particularly useful for organisations that have an especially complex internal investigation, involving vulnerable witnesses or serious allegations. We will undertake investigations on behalf of organisations or an independent review based on our knowledge of best practice.


We design and deliver training for organisations based on their particular needs as well as our own themed sessions on digital and specialist safeguarding.

What packages do we offer?

Digital Safeguarding
County lines, Gangs and Drugs
Child Sexual Exploitation
Teenage Mental Health and Social Media
Bespoke Training for Individual Organisations

We provide safeguarding training for foster carers and foster agencies, social workers, Police officers, teachers, designated safeguarding leaders, businesses and charities. Our expert team can also design a specific package for any organisation in need of safeguarding advice.

Download our Training Brochure (PDF)

Take a look at our training brochure for more information on the courses we have available.

Download our Terms and Conditions (PDF)

Outlines the general terms and conditions for our online training courses.


We create resources for organisations who need to communicate safeguarding messages to specific audiences. These include digital, film and education materials for children, professionals and organisations. 

We design and deliver tailored educational safeguarding tools and resources for organisations to use and share. This includes presentations, short films and animations, guidance and advice documents, and web resources that can be tailored to different professional or social groups.


We offer a range of webinars from our industry experts on many subjects.

To find out what is coming up go to our booking portal.